
Glocalqueering in New Asia

The Politics of Performing Gay in Singapore

Updated on: 12 Oct 2017



Published here in Theatre Journal, Volume 57, Number 3, October 2005.

This essay considers the theatrical production of Asian Boys Vol. 1 in Singapore as it is imbricated in neoliberal, nationalist, and diasporic circuits using a new critical formulation called "glocalqueering." Arguing that the global queering lens is inadequate in understanding the predicament of queer men in global cities like Singapore, the article turns to the play as an example of a queer and trans/national theatre production that unravels the politics of performing gay in Singapore and/as New Asia. While uncovering the glocalqueering circuits of this production, the essay also examines the effectiveness of using global Asian queer boys in the hyper-consumerist and highly regulated context of Singapore for queer self-representation, visibility, and political intervention by sexual minorities.

Project Serial Number: AA200501

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