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Title Subheading Category Venue Country Year
Dramaturgy in Action II Collaboration, the Interdisciplinary, and the Intercultural Talks & Interviews Esplanade Theatre Studio Singapore 2016
The Orange Playground Lab #1 Workshop by Hanchu-Yuei Workshops The Necessary Stage Black Box 2016
One Small Voice The Monodrama in Singapore Theatre Essays/Writings 2016
Mosquito Productions Jamiyah Nursing Home
Man Fut Tong Nursing Home
Moral Home for the Aged Sick
Sree Narayan Mission Home for the Aged Sick
Apex Rehab Centre for the Elderly
Society for the Aged Sick
Lions Home for the Elders Bishan
Metta Day Rehabilitation Centre for the Elderly
Lions Home for the Elders Bedok
Villa Fracis
Singapore 2016
Mosquito Staging Jamiyah Nursing Home
Man Fut Tong Nursing Home
Moral Home for the Aged Sick
Sree Narayan Mission Home for the Aged Sick
Apex Rehab Centre for the Elderly
Society for the Aged Sick
Lions Home for the Elders Bishan
Metta Day Rehabilitation Centre for the Elderly
Lions Home for the Elders Bedok
Villa Fracis
Singapore 2016
The Orange Playground Lab #4 TNS-David Glass Workshop Workshops The Necessary Stage Black Box 2016
Manifesto Productions The Necessary Stage Black Box Singapore 2016
Manifesto Staging The Necessary Stage Black Box Singapore 2016
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2016 Art & the Animal Festivals Esplanade Theatre Studio
Esplanade Recital Studio
Esplanade Rehearsal Studio
Gallery Theatre, National Museum of Singapore
Theatre Foyer, National Museum of Singapore
Black Box, Centre 42
Rehearsal Studio, Centre 42
The Substation Theatre
The Substation Gallery
Gillman Barracks
Lower Gallery, Objectifs
The Fabulous Baker Boy
Interculturality and Interdisciplinarity Talks & Interviews ESSEC Asia-Pacific Campus Singapore 2016
Abuse Suxxx!!! and Other Plays Publications 2016
Le monologue à Singapour, naissance et développement d'une forme dramatique nationale Essays/Writings 2016