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Title Subheading Category Venue Country Year
Over the Wall Staging Shell Theatrette Singapore 1988
The Necessary Stage Newsletter Publications 1988
It's the… P.S.S.B Productions Shell Theatrette Singapore 1988
It's the… P.S.S.B Staging Shell Theatrette Singapore 1988
Cupboards Productions Singapore 1987
Cupboards Staging Singapore 1987
Dead On Cue Productions National University of Singapore LT13 Singapore 1987
The Waiting Room Productions National University of Singapore LT13 Singapore 1987
The Waiting Room/Dead on Cue Staging National University of Singapore LT13 Singapore 1987
Right Time and Place Productions World Trade Centre Auditorium Singapore 1987
And After Nature, Art Productions World Trade Centre Auditorium Singapore 1987
Right Time and Place/And After Nature, Art Staging World Trade Centre Auditorium Singapore 1987