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Title Subheading Category Venue Country Year
[names changed to protect the innocent] Productions The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
And the Spirit of Charlie Brown said "…" Productions The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
A.S.A.P. Productions The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1998
And Buddha Said, "mop the floor…" Productions The Necessary Space Singapore 1998
Anna Staging Secondary Schools Singapore 1997
Anna Productions Secondary Schools Singapore 1997
A Simple Thing Productions The Drama Centre Singapore 1997
A Simple Thing Staging Shell Theatrette Singapore 1997
As I Grow Old A Doublebill Staging The Substation Guinness Theatre Singapore 1995