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Title Subheading Category Venue Country Year
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
N.A. Productions Singapore Art Museum Singapore 1999
"Re-engineering the society of mind" The Work and Life of Lan Gen Bah Productions Singapore Art Museum Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Productions The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1999
[names changed to protect the innocent] Staging The Necessary Space Singapore 1998
Naga Mandala Productions Cairnhill Arts Centre, Studio Singapore 1996
Naga Mandala Staging The Drama Centre Singapore 1996
Not Just Dogs Staging Shell Theatrette Singapore 1995
Not Just Dogs Productions Shell Theatrette Singapore 1995